"Project Name","Logo","Tagline","Description","Links","Technology","URL","Prize Tracks" "SWAPS.ES || https://www.swaps.es/","https://assets.devfolio.co/hackathons/af96d1c4fe204ed0a7a350c863520253/projects/9bc759b015064d96be3d37f90f176eef/73d92385-6370-47ca-bb80-13e1f10240b4.jpeg","OTC desk for digital assets: an Alpine Secure P2P token-swapping extravaganza using ACCOUNT ABSTRACTION (ERC-4337)",">TLDR: >Swaps.es is solving the security and trust issues when doing P2P digital assets swaps by eliminating the intermediaries. The problems Swaps.es solves is: counterparty risk, high barriers to entry, high fees. Swaps.es is a project that's all about making life easier for people who want to swap digital assets with one another. We know that in the current system, trust can be a big issue, and that's why we're getting rid of the middlemen. By doing this, we can create a more secure and trustworthy environment for these transactions. We're also taking on the challenge of counterparty risk. You know how sometimes you're worried that the other party might not hold up their end of the bargain, or that the escrow provider might not play fair? We're tackling this issue head-on by creating a decentralized solution that lowers the chances of anyone defaulting or acting maliciously. Another problem we're addressing is how tough it can be to get started with traditional over-the-counter (OTC) trading desks. They can be a real pain to set up, and we believe that everyone should have access to digital asset swaps without jumping through hoops. That's why we're creating a platform that's user-friendly and efficient so that more people can get in on the action. And last but not least, we're taking on those pesky high fees that OTC desks charge. We know that these fees can really add up, and we think it's time to provide a more cost-effective solution. With Swaps.es, users can expect lower transaction fees and more money in their pockets. In short, Swaps.es is all about making digital asset swaps more secure, accessible, and affordable for everyone. We're excited to help revolutionize the way people exchange their digital assets! ","https://www.canva.com/design/DAFgJlOMfoo/jn6_8pw_WkVFZADm3LcIjQ/edit?utm_content=DAFgJlOMfoo&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton,https://github.com/EthZuri/swapsies-app,https://github.com/EthZuri/swapsies-contracts,https://goerli.etherscan.io/address/0xeb16C9757B48bF02780799B089aa7886075337C9,https://goerli.etherscan.io/address/0x18A076Bc5a3E5fcaA45611e6f31f8C3798289cc8","Solidity,TypeScript,Hardhat,ethers.js,Biconomy SDK,React,MetaMask,Ethereum,Mocha,Infura","https://devfolio.co/projects/swapses-0856","" "Caffeine Consensus","https://assets.devfolio.co/hackathons/af96d1c4fe204ed0a7a350c863520253/projects/b665c91b8eec4afb966c5bcd1521d629/63cdbf7b-77ac-44f3-813e-c1f6ea59aad6.jpeg","Infrastructure for large enterprises and government organizations to use their existing Public Key Infrastructure with Account Abstraction for gasless transactions without additional software","There are too many blockers for large enterprises and government organizations to interact with public blockchains. - Cannot use software such as Metamask due to security concerns - The need to fund every employees wallet with enough funds to pay gass fees - Public Key Infrastructure are not used to Web3.0 world - Government legal limitations for holding cryptocurrency Problem for Usecases - clear cup of specialty coffee","https://docs.google.com/document/d/1H7O20lIrmskdt1rcIjNl7t44EQZ-fISh6kLiIQGVA90/edit?usp=sharing,https://github.com/CaffeineConsensus/,https://www.loom.com/share/c63f81deb1724b808c2d569d1e1475c8,https://youtu.be/4OtsNsBcenY,https://youtu.be/H0BYeSC5Zuk","Solidity,React,TypeScript,Figma,chatgpt,openccl,VCCode,webstore","https://devfolio.co/projects/caffeine-consensus-ee2b","" "OpenSauce","https://assets.devfolio.co/hackathons/af96d1c4fe204ed0a7a350c863520253/projects/d88fc4a3d2cb4164b8a7837264b2ac91/36279c3b-1bb2-408d-aeb5-7435b803d80f.jpeg","OpenSauce revolutionizes open-source funding by transforming Git Orgs/Repos into tokenized DAOs, making every git contribution a liquid asset for sustainable growth.","Our mission is to address the funding and sustainability challenges faced by open-source projects. By giving tools to create tokenized DAOs for Git Org/Repos, we enable a token-based incentive system that aligns the interests of maintainers, contributors, users, and investors. Ultimately, due to open market token dynamics, the stakeholders will stick to the ecosystem. OpenSauce addresses some of the big problems in the open-source ecosystem: 1. **Funding Gap / Low Compensation**: Most projects rely on donations, grants, or sponsorships for funding, which can be inconsistent and insufficient. Also, a 2020 study by Stack Overflow found that only 14.2% of respondents contributed to open-source software in the past year, and only 3.6% received compensation for their work. **OpenSauce provides a tool to reward these developers -- with a token that is minted based on contributors' git commits.** 2. **Unfair Distribution of Rewards**: Maintainers always have the ultimate (and centralized) decision on how to distribute rewards (i.e., sponsor funding) to the git repo contributors. Frequently this distribution is unfair. **Beside the recommendation system that analyzes the git repo history, DAO proposals for token distributions/mints make the process more fair and transparent.** 3. **Developer Burnout**: Open-source developers often work on projects in their spare time, which can lead to burnout and reduced project maintenance. **Having a token as a reward, might gives more sense of ""better use of their spare time"".** 4. **Limited Business Model Options:** Most open-source projects struggle to find sustainable business models, with only a few managing to generate revenue through dual licensing, consulting, or support services. **While OpenSauce doesn't provide a business model per se, it provides a tool to sustainably and fair reward people involved in the open source project.** VIDEO WITH PROBLEMS + TECH: https://www.loom.com/share/a70926e8443d42c6b7d4ca103ddf6a7a","https://github.com/opensaucelabs,https://opensauce-nextjs.vercel.app/","Solidity,Golang,React,Next.js,Chainlink,TypeScript,OpenZeppelin","https://devfolio.co/projects/opensauce-79f7","" "CryptoFolia","https://assets.devfolio.co/hackathons/af96d1c4fe204ed0a7a350c863520253/projects/01544214fe1b47a08570a496eaed0746/6103d031-12b5-4066-80a8-8980798ad35a.jpeg","On-chain decentralised generative art project aimed at gamifying incentives to act sustainably.","”THE GREATEST THREAT TO OUR PLANET IS THE BELIEF THAT SOMEONE ELSE WILL SAVE IT” The issue with climate change is not awareness but getting people to act. ----- Climate change is a pressing global issue, and individual actions play a crucial role in combating its effects. However, many people lack the motivation and incentives to adopt sustainable practices, such as installing solar panels at home. CryptoFolia offers a practical and engaging solution to this problem by combining blockchain technology, renewable energy, and generative art. The CryptoFolia project addresses two main issues: - Limited incentives for solar power adoption: Despite the benefits of solar energy, household adoption rates remain low due to high costs, lack of awareness, or insufficient incentives. - Difficulty maintaining sustainable habits: People often struggle to stay engaged and motivated in adopting eco-friendly habits, as the rewards can be intangible and not easily recognizable. Our proof of concept connects to a (presumed) PV meter attached to a home solar array and measures the electricity produced by the panels. For each kWh generated, we automatically mint tokens that serve as tangible incentives for solar energy usage. Users can also unlock unique generative art pieces as they generate more solar power, turning sustainability into a fun and engaging experience. The decentralized nature of our project ensures users maintain control over their art and tokens, which can be traded, collected, or showcased as a symbol of their commitment to the environment. aims to boost the adoption of renewable energy and encourage sustainable living, leading to a greener future for all. ","https://github.com/0xyanc/cryptofolia-frontend,https://github.com/pheeling/UZH.Hackathon,https://cryptofolia.vercel.app/","Arbitrum Rollup,Gelato,NFT,Google Sheets API,ERC20,React,JavaScript,chatgpt","https://devfolio.co/projects/cryptofolia-eff1","" "Gelato Drand VRF","","Verifiable public randomness on chain","Fair random numbers on-chain for all applications (e.g. DeFi, GameFi, lotteries...)","https://github.com/gelato-vrf,https://goerli-lottery.netlify.app/","drand,Solidity,Gelato","https://devfolio.co/projects/gelato-drand-vrf-ae15","" "PredictFlow","https://assets.devfolio.co/hackathons/af96d1c4fe204ed0a7a350c863520253/projects/b563399e087645bfab776932ea3b9a59/51e3aadb-9891-436f-bbab-32574fb18dfe.jpeg","PredictFlow is a cutting-edge prediction market platform that harnesses the power of blockchain and automated dAPI sponsor wallet management.","PredictFlow addresses the inefficiencies and limitations of traditional prediction markets by providing a decentralized and transparent platform for users to engage in forecasting events. Key advantages include: Trustless environment: By leveraging blockchain technology, PredictFlow eliminates the need for intermediaries, ensuring a secure and tamper-proof ecosystem for market predictions. Automated dAPI sponsor wallet management: PredictFlow utilizes Gelato, a decentralized automation platform, to automate funding of multiple dAPI sponsor wallets, streamlining the process and reducing manual intervention. Accessibility: With a user-friendly interface and seamless integration with various blockchain networks, PredictFlow enables anyone to participate in prediction markets, regardless of their technical expertise. Reduced fees and friction: PredictFlow minimizes transaction costs and complexities associated with traditional prediction markets, making the platform more accessible and cost-effective for users. Real-time market insights: Users can stay up-to-date with the latest market trends and events, enabling informed decision-making and increased accuracy in predictions. In summary, PredictFlow revolutionizes the prediction market landscape by offering a decentralized, secure, and user-friendly platform that streamlines operations and promotes accessibility, empowering users to make data-driven decisions with confidence.","https://github.com/savchart/eth_zurich_prediction_market","Solidity,Hardhat,OpenZeppelin,API3,Gelato,remix,web3.js,React","https://devfolio.co/projects/predictflow-9239","" "FantaCrypto","https://assets.devfolio.co/hackathons/af96d1c4fe204ed0a7a350c863520253/projects/14e5cbb2a7d94e0ab36d3f9c828283ef/705053e5-9fd2-4745-913d-6a87552c86db.jpeg","Fantacrypto is a project which allows paper trading competitions on-chain leveraging API3 oracles data feed.","If you don't like soccer like us, but you like cryptos, use FantaCrypto instead!","https://github.com/0xCaso/FantaCrypto","Solidity,foundry,API3","https://devfolio.co/projects/fantacrypto-f046","" "LiquidationStation","","democratizing defi derivatives","Much of the contemporary defi protocols depend on bot operators to perform various tasks in order to ensure that actions get taken when required. The operators are incentivized by the reward they receive, however, the environment is extremely competitive which inevitably leads to scenarios where only those most skilled and well equiped can participate. Not only does this lead to centralization which diminishes fault tolerance, the software that these operators run is often a black box to those whose protocols rely on it. We take the opposite approach in our multi-agent application, where we incentivize collaboration by securing off chain computation using Tendermint. Doing so all state transitions during off chain computation require consensus. After a complete iteration the final transactions to liquidate are submitted on-chain (polygon mainnet). The agents share a Gnosis multisig wallet and the rewards are distributed evenly, where operators that perform better get rewarded more, and those that do not contribute can be removed from the set of active participants if so decided by majority consensus, in order to allow the system to be purged from parasites that will inevitably arise.","https://github.com/8ball030/liquidation_station,,,,","Multi-agent system (autonolas tech stack),Tendermint,0vix smart contracts,Gnosis Chain,libp2p,Docker,docker-compose,Cloud computing,IPFS","https://devfolio.co/projects/liquidationstation-3dd4","" "Score","https://assets.devfolio.co/hackathons/af96d1c4fe204ed0a7a350c863520253/projects/d8db8028be624f4d8dc1b31c06295fa1/6b784d44-a4be-4183-8512-a88fd5f4a106.jpeg","On-chain verifyable address rating protocl, protecting assets of the next 1B users","## Problem In web3, frontend hacks or scamms with address poisining lead to millions of assets stolen (eg. [1.3M stolen](https://cryptosaurus.tech/address-poisoning-attack-seizes-scammers-make-off-with-1-3m-in-arb-tokens-decrypt/), [570k stolen](https://beincrypto.com/curve-finance-resolves-front-end-exploit-after-570k-stolen/) ). ## Solution To build an on-chain rating, which would protect next billion users from being scammed by scammers. Each address is assign a score based on open algorithm with on-chain verification, boosting your trust by: * owning bluchip NFTs * passing well-known trustworthy KYCs * owning POAPs and SBTs ","https://trust-landing-flame.vercel.app/,https://github.com/yuloskov/trust-landing,https://github.com/yuloskov/rating-snap,https://goerli.etherscan.io/address/0xF6930F793e92fB1b849E3F1D7f339D6920e408e2,https://goerli.etherscan.io/address/0x5838420606a09C90a56A0f352f4198Ff09f718c8","Next.js,Python,Solidity,Cryptography","https://devfolio.co/projects/score-a344","" "Plurality","https://assets.devfolio.co/hackathons/af96d1c4fe204ed0a7a350c863520253/projects/ba834852ebb847cea043d8e5a47b61e5/fc979d95-00a8-4665-a7d3-d5b09823c6be.jpeg","Plurality is an identity-lego-building block for dapp creators that lets them identify their users without using any third-party KYC provider or middleman, whilst preserving the privacy of users.","Plurality aims to bring identity on the chain by creating a zero knowledge-based identity layer so that dapps can verify the users interacting with them. Plurality uses self-sovereign identity and verifiable credentials to do off-chain identity verification and then links the user's DID with on-chain zero-knowledge proof. Thus eliminating the need for a middleman in the identity verification process so the dapps can get rid of centralized KYC processes. We see plurality as a DEFI Lego block that would help (1) the builders/developers for verification and (2) the blockchain users to prove their real-life identity to on-chain actors through simple wallet interactions, while keeping them in control of their identity. If got adoption, the plurality would enable a plethora of on-chain use cases in the future that are not considered easily achievable currently. Some of these use cases are: 1. Undercollateralized DEFI 2. Decentralized Social Platforms based on verifiable credentials 3. On-chain inheritance solutions (Automatic funds transfer to provable family members in case of proof of death) 4. Representation of real-life assets on the chain 5. Metaverse Identity 6. DAO Governance 7. Decentralized Elections 8. Peer to Peer Gig Economy The guiding principles of plurality are: 1. Decentralization and privacy preservation 2. Real life verifiable credentials used for verification 3. Zero Knowledge smart contracts to store proof of verification 4. DIDs connected with wallet (ETH) addresses 5. Costs saving through digitization tl;dr: A short intro of the project with a simple demo: https://youtu.be/7fA5Kyl2NcA","https://github.com/Web3-Plurality/zk-onchain-identity-verification,http://bpa.westeurope.cloudapp.azure.com/,http://bpa.westeurope.cloudapp.azure.com:3001/","Hyperledger Aries Framework,Semaphore Zero Knowledge Stack,Solidity,React,Docker,Node.js,Self Sovereign Identity,Verifiable Credentials,Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKPs),Hardhat","https://devfolio.co/projects/purality-30d7","" "TETH pay","https://assets.devfolio.co/hackathons/af96d1c4fe204ed0a7a350c863520253/projects/6cef7646cf7f44919b843b080c97be62/42bb6595-13e8-420d-aa74-8c239c17d3ad.jpeg","A non-custodial solution that connects Ethereum and Telegram, empowering users to transfer funds and split bills effortlessly, right within their chat conversations","Cumbersome fund transfers and lack of seamless integration for digital currencies on messaging platform","https://github.com/qpwedev/teth-pay","WalletConnect,ethers.js,TypeScript,Node.js,telegraf.js","https://devfolio.co/projects/teth-pay-ade5","" "SplETH","https://assets.devfolio.co/hackathons/af96d1c4fe204ed0a7a350c863520253/projects/f90ff1cb26124195a5516bcb3d7cda5f/b1c10742-af07-489f-add4-b65dc4dc72cc.jpeg","A revolutionary web3 application that streamlines group spending. With our dApp, group of people can effortlessly deposit money into a shared wallet, enabling seamless mutual spending experiences.","Establishing trust in a novel financial technology is crucial. SplETH is dedicated to gradually building confidence in this cutting-edge technology, making certain that users feel assured of its capabilities to handle their financial needs. Our group expense-sharing multisig wallet dApp enables everyday (non-crypto-native) users to familiarize themselves with cryptocurrencies and blockchains by transacting small amounts within their friend circles. Imagine going to a restaurant with your friends and the bill is automatically settled from your collective funds. Say goodbye to the hassle of dividing expenses and embrace the convenience of SplETH, making your social experiences smoother and more enjoyable than ever before. We facilitate user onboarding and offboarding by: - Covering the gas fees for on & offboarding, making it cost-free (Powered by Gelato) - Utilizing stablecoins, which allow users to comprehend fiat values (USD, EUR, etc.) Our team's financial benefit is derived from a commission on each spending transaction. ","https://slickthree.github.io/SplETH/","Gelato,Polygon,Solidity,Redux,React,GitHub","https://devfolio.co/projects/spleth-c1ff","" "DAOs reasearch","https://assets.devfolio.co/hackathons/af96d1c4fe204ed0a7a350c863520253/projects/1b51f486a8364771a160c7ef58f7b250/8622a30e-bb5a-49b0-9e70-f37b97be9762.jpeg","Research in a slightly different way, with jokes and memes, I hope it will entertain you and maybe even teach you something.","DAOs today are centralized, unorganized or unautonomous, let's change that!","https://www.canva.com/design/DAFer_2a0G0/wvWAB0TBX2b5ky8T4NFMuw/edit?utm_content=DAFer_2a0G0&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton","Canva,Monitor,keyboard","https://devfolio.co/projects/daos-reasearch-e131","" ". Züri Crypto Cars NFT DApp","https://assets.devfolio.co/hackathons/af96d1c4fe204ed0a7a350c863520253/projects/aed2060ae97c4488bc68e59fb182fb09/c406c4d5-1e69-4e05-8fe3-1d0c6af3956e.jpeg","Ethereum market place, connecting buyer and sellers of cars","It's cool because it comes with: - an escrow and - helps with the paperwork (export form declaration via API) I came up with the idea, since I was selling my own car and most requests I got were for export. Most people calling me wanted to export my BMW to Eastern Europe. They all wanted to pay in cash, ideally not in CHF. I was ok with EUR, but I was worried about getting counterfeit bills. Also, the buyers has to deal with customs and fill out forms. See: https://www.bazg.admin.ch/bazg/de/home/services/services-private/services-private-einfuhr/ausfuhrzollanmeldung-e-dec-web.html Blockchain can solve this! Züri Crypto Cars will solve this! ","https://github.com/spyglassventures/ethereumzuri","Hardhat Framework (react,ether.js,Solidity","https://devfolio.co/projects/zuri-crypto-cars-nft-dapp-f174","" "Polymer","https://assets.devfolio.co/hackathons/af96d1c4fe204ed0a7a350c863520253/projects/8cf41dcb55db4e00bbec40235cb9dc82/7abef062-c547-4c60-8039-87e0fe9532c4.jpeg","GPT-assisted Solidity analyzer, helping to find security issues by suggesting areas to review, generating tests and using the Z3 SMT Solver to formally verify design.","Code analysis is hard even for experienced auditors, regular devs without a security background have a very hard time being aware of what to test for. This tool tries to bridge that knowledge and skill gap somewhat by using GPT as a ""cognitive offload"" tool, allowing security knowledge to be encoded and act as a ""security copilot"" when writing code, helping devs think of test cases and risk categories, and generating Z3 code for a formal model based off of the code, that is able to automatically check if any important invariants are violated via SMT solving. The pipeline can be extended to use different backends, and open-source LLMs that can be fine tuned on this domain and be kept up to date with new vulnerabilities and specifics (as the ecosystem and libs change, e.g. for new versions of the EVM).","https://github.com/mattdf/polymer","Python,Solidity,Z3,GPT,JavaScript","https://devfolio.co/projects/polymer-38e4","" "BioWallet","https://assets.devfolio.co/hackathons/af96d1c4fe204ed0a7a350c863520253/projects/ad2350e0ec174cee8c45e5a6bbbd0555/adc04fbe-bb75-44e3-9131-3fb51afe97dc.jpeg","Introducing a security-centric, hardware-based iOS wallet app that delivers a near-institutional grade solution to individuals at a significantly reduced cost.","Our solution addresses the trade-off between usability and security in wallet creation by leveraging the iPhone as a hardware wallet, a prevalent issue in both retail and institutional wallet solutions like BitGo, Ledger, and Fireblocks. In contrast to popular consumer hardware security modules (HSM) such as Trezor, the iPhone offers a secure enclave and enhanced device security through biometric authentication, enabling users to focus less on managing private keys while maintaining protection for their funds, even in the event of device loss. We introduce a security-centric, hardware-based iOS wallet app that provides a near-institutional grade experience for individuals at a substantially lower cost, making the iPhone a less operationally burdensome alternative to traditional hardware security modules and significantly reducing operational overhead. Additionally, private keys can be shared across multiple iPhone devices via iCloud Keychain, streamlining the backup process and ensuring seamless access for users.","https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1SNsXU6eUGDtjq9l64nQX3DPoCbhf_UPREHBxrit8J0s/edit#slide=id.p,https://github.com/aloksahay/BioWallet","iOS,EF: Account Abstraction,ERC4337,Secure Enclave,Biometric Authentication,iCloud Keychain,Solidity,Swift,TypeScript","https://devfolio.co/projects/biowallet-d4c9",""