"Project Name","Logo","Tagline","Description","Links","Technology","URL","Prize Tracks" "Lunar Wallet","https://assets.devfolio.co/hackathons/3f7682d6ef744c49a5626148c3f03045/projects/d08cd07cf89d432a8b746919d3bc3160/9995b128-8e61-45d3-b9ca-d7b1a91239e7.jpeg","Lunar Wallet is the first privacy native Ethereum wallet based on a built-in integration of TOR. This architecture enables users' IP addresses to be isolated from third parties.","# Problem ## Actual available general wallets Today, the available wallets **do not protect users' sensitive personal data** and share it with **all the third parties they communicate with** (for each data call), such as RPCs (Infura, Alchemy..), Coingecko, Etherscan, CoinMarketCap... The core problem of the architecture of the actually available wallets such as Metamask is that **wallet servers and third parties servers are able to link users' IP addresses and wallet addresses**. For us, this is a **threat to privacy**. ## Actual available ""privacy"" wallets ### Ethereum blockchain Actual ""privacy"" wallets available on Ethereum blockchain such as **Block Wallet** are **marketing themselves as privacy wallets** but they are **just using their own servers to hide the users' IP addresses from the RPCs**, but the problem in this architecture is that **Block Wallet servers have 100% access to users' IP addresses and wallet addresses**, so it **doesn't solve the privacy issue**. Moreover, **they do not protect calls made to Etherscan for example**. ### Bitcoin **Wasabi and Samourai wallets do protect their users by using TOR** but users have to **1. install TOR desktop 2. launch a TOR node 3. fix some parameters** before being able to use the wallet. These wallets are doing a good job but it is **quite difficult to use and you need to understand how TOR works to be able to use it**. Moreover, this is **only supporting Bitcoin**. # Solution - Trustless architecture **Lunar Wallet is different as it is privacy-native** and that it supports Ethereum. The **user does not need to trust the wallet regarding his personal data** as the wallet's third parties **cannot see or share its users’ IP addresses**. With a **TOR built-in integration**, the users just need to install the extension to be able to use it. Third parties are going to receive data but with a TOR IP address. In the future, we plan to add support DeFi and for other EVM & non EVM blockchains such as Bitcoin.","https://github.com/hazae41/ethbrno-wallet,https://github.com/hazae41/ethbrno-logs,https://github.com/hazae41/ethbrno-proxy,https://ethbrno-logs.vercel.app/,https://www.canva.com/design/DAFRueQKOsY/VE5tuwAyboOJecZT3exbqg/view?utm_content=DAFRueQKOsY&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton","TypeScript,Tor,WebAssembly,Rust,React,Next.js,PostgreSQL,ethers.js","https://devfolio.co/projects/lunar-wallet-34c4","" "Soika","https://assets.devfolio.co/hackathons/3f7682d6ef744c49a5626148c3f03045/projects/0afbad2f4afc4ee8a2107d4245bdcf04/c5975539-1830-4737-a61c-0e1bbe1ddac1.jpeg","Security screening tools aggregator - Signer interface and API for insights on pre-committed transactions. Aggregator API for other security projects.","Soika is the way to mitigate blind signing. Beginners and intermediate DeFi users tend to sign transactions without double checking transaction details and security - because they don't know What to check and how, or they simply don't feel the urge to do so. Soika interface provides a simple interface, that can be used for transactions pre-check - as a standalone mobile app. Or as a part of crypto wallets using Soika's API.","https://github.com/vorcigernix/soika1,https://soika1.vercel.app/","Next.js,java script,React,WalletConnect,Ethers","https://devfolio.co/projects/soika-78e7","" "MetaRate","","Give decentralized review for smart contracts.","- blind signing - scam detection - adoption - contract credibilty system ","https://github.com/bobetbat/reporter-snap","MetaMask,snaps,Swarm,React","https://devfolio.co/projects/metarate-7c20","" "Private On Chain Line of Credit using ZKP","https://assets.devfolio.co/hackathons/3f7682d6ef744c49a5626148c3f03045/projects/cdeacd7cba784bf3b8fa2cebcf1649f9/016ec2f9-ca96-46f0-ad8a-bd4d13eb51af.jpeg","Ethereum will become the main settlement layer for digital value. Once ZKP become standard, Enterprise Blockchain will move to public networks. This project is a first step towards this direction.","Allow financial institutions to start providing their services in public blockchain networks. At present they are wasting resources in private/permissioned blockchain solutions. Once privacy is added to public blockchains through ZKPs, enterprises can start providing their services directly on-chain while mantain some information private. This project is a first step with a simple financial product towards this direction. It is a Line of Credit where: - the terms and conditions remain private between the client and the financial institution. - the client can submit a proof on-chain and withdraw (24/7) any stablecoin directly on-chain and use it instantly - without human intervention","https://github.com/gbarcomu/OnChainPrivateLineOfCredit,https://goerli.etherscan.io/tx/0xd74bcf5eee4ec3337c85320e144cc1144e5ca9725e10e2a0ed9ed4cb8af69459","Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKPs),AZTEC Protocol,Aztec Noir,React,Solidity,Ethereum,Hardhat","https://devfolio.co/projects/private-on-chain-line-of-credit-using-zkp-3764","" "The Censorship Game","https://assets.devfolio.co/hackathons/3f7682d6ef744c49a5626148c3f03045/projects/845a82e15af1422b9192cde64e205fb4/e04ddc12-57f2-41c3-be31-babc7882d760.jpeg","An on-chain, hidden role game (like mafia/werewolf), that doesn't need zero knowledge proofs and features quadratic voting. Will you reveal your true colors?","The Censorship Game is built with the intent to push players to reflect about privacy and security, while learning about quadratic voting and the commit-reveal design pattern. It is a proof of concept for a new genre of games that allow players to have secret properties/abilities without the complexity or computational overhead of zero knowlege proofs.","https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1sXrElirqhHKAZCwzsQ_XBUZjaGamxvBxQ9IJ1OZ1kX0/edit?usp=sharing,https://github.com/VBoureaud/CensorshipGame,https://censorship-game.vercel.app","Quadratic voting,Optimism,commit reveal,Solidity,JavaScript,React,ethers.js","https://devfolio.co/projects/the-censorship-game-e0f8","" "ZK ML Proof","https://assets.devfolio.co/hackathons/3f7682d6ef744c49a5626148c3f03045/projects/b712eb93af6b4daf88013300bc839e94/96aee3bb-c04d-4718-9ad3-02b162f405a8.jpeg","ZK Proof - proofs whether the content was produced by a neural network. Such approach is useful in various fields, for instance, generative art or plagiarism checking.","The solution is similar to the detection of AI-generated data, e.g., images or text. ZK approach allows us to publicly verify whether the provided data was generated by a specific neural network. Moreover, service providers (e.g., OpenAI) can provide ZK proofs along with generated outputs so everybody can make sure it's original. The possible use cases; - Detect if an image was generated using a generative model (Dalle-2, Midjourney, etc.). - Check if the text was altered by ""anti-plagitarism"" neural network. - Check if service provider (e.g., OpenAI) provides the output from the neural network you have selected.","https://github.com/savchart/-zk-ml-proof","ZK-SNARK,zk,ONNX","https://devfolio.co/projects/zk-ml-proof-fd9d","" "dWallet Judy or Sam","","dWallet supporting you all your lifetime.","dWallet around the individuals life Certificates of authorities: drivinglicnce, identity library card, card of membership (some of which you have to pay for, easy update, notifications or automation) Showing just what is needed: does every author need to know everything in every case School-certificates as NFTs, easy to share Healthrelated stuff: if you have a challenge with your health, recipes Familyevents as a POAP/NFT: behind the POAP could be pictures and other material Cards related to you hobbies: gym card, digital green or black belt Music: to buy songs piece by piece, and paying straight to the songwriter The whole wallet could be kind of memory or social heritage to the family as person passes away Needs: Lots of cooperation in society, with authors Wants: Makes life easier and is related to self custody. Securityissues are the most challenging.","https://testtesttest.tes","JavaScript","https://devfolio.co/projects/dwallet-judy-of-sam-04c6","" "Web3.0 Account Security Abstraction SDK (WASA)","https://assets.devfolio.co/hackathons/3f7682d6ef744c49a5626148c3f03045/projects/fb9d64aa585d4d2987ad41a40d58dbf2/cc9a98ad-b583-43c8-8c6c-a87a7a5c4ce9.jpeg","Web3.0 Account Security Abstraction SDK will help developers to build secure mobile apps with excellent UX. It works by creating wallet to which you can delegate your wallet capabilities","Most mobile apps require users to sign in with their private keys to allow users to perform certain actions in the app. Importing the private key into an app unfolds a number of potential risks. User can compromise their private key by accident. The app itself can be malicious or have some dangerous bags. In the end, user can lose their assets. Then they write on Twitter that crypto is a scam. Account Security Abstraction can be used in different ways. With our SDK users can delegate only certain functions needed for a particular app to minimize potential exposure. For example, it can be used to create a wallet on the phone with a spending limit on it, just like you have on your credit card. So if someone steals your phone, you will be only exposed to losing the particular amount you set your limit to, and then you just delegate the connection between your main wallet and the secondary wallet on your phone. It can help a lot of people in third-world countries to actually download mobile wallets and use them without the threat of losing all the funds. Another idea can be a delegation of the voting power. This use-case was inspired by the problem we encountered with the app we are building in our usual life. The app aggregates DAO proposals and shows them in the form of a feed and by using the SDK we can allow users to delegate their voting power to the wallet created on the phone and vote on any proposals without the further interactions. There are other use cases like connection to the web3.0 games with specific NFTs. Basically, the more customized approach, the more secure it will be for the users.","https://github.com/sadvazha/wasa-sdk,https://github.com/Tima0203/wasa-pairing-ui,https://github.com/holdim-codebase/holdim-mobile-app/pull/47,https://pair.holdim.to/","snapshot.js,ethers.js,react-native,React","https://devfolio.co/projects/wallet-abstraction-sdk-c356","" "No Phishing Here","https://assets.devfolio.co/hackathons/3f7682d6ef744c49a5626148c3f03045/projects/b53193ffdd3c4181bd42f1ebe102bb96/ab6d3311-f085-477f-ad16-fc816ddedfd8.jpeg","Browser extension for blind signing and phishing blocking.","It prevents blind signing at malicious websites by blocking them. Blocking is made based on AI image comparison and other data comparison with those present at whitelist.","https://github.com/SantiagoDePolonia/no-phishing-here-mvp,https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1DiNqpEolgZdZKOcv-90AIPnEcwP6EOVPQGKpSyWyU0o/edit?usp=sharing","WebExtension,AI,JavaScript","https://devfolio.co/projects/no-phishing-here-3ef8","" "MetaMask Snap ""Check the contract""","","MetaMask Snap which allows user to see additional security oriented information before the contract function call (check if contract was audited, if contract is upgradable and more)","It allows an average user to get more information about the contract and avoid interactions with suspicions, untrusted, hacked or even fraud contracts","https://github.com/markfender/metamask-snap-checkthecontract","JavaScript,MetaMask,Ethereum,Arweave","https://devfolio.co/projects/metamask-snap-check-the-contract-52f9","" "MetaMail","https://assets.devfolio.co/hackathons/3f7682d6ef744c49a5626148c3f03045/projects/f27c6cc4d56946d5999c7a7f912d2e09/21448cd4-a3e3-44ea-9823-01296c88d983.jpeg","Forget about long EVM addresses and experience the proper way of transferring crypto to the email address. Not everybody has an ENS, but everyone has an email address.","Imagine that you need to send your EVM addresses to claim a hackathon price, how many times do you check if the address is right? Imagine that you are in a restaurant and want to transfer Your friend some ETH, how convenient is it to use his EVM address? Do you know it? Do You even know Your own EVM address? We think the answer is NO! Imagine that instead of using the EVM address, You can use the email address. You know your email address, and You also know Your friends' email addresses. It’s far more convenient and also more secure because It’s easier to see a typo in an email address than in an EVM address. The idea became a reality, with MetaMail you can link Your email address to Your EVM address in a secure and convenient way, that everyone is familiar with. This way You can now receive and send crypto to an email address. Enjoy the future of Web3 Experience.","https://github.com/BartoszSolka/ETHBrno-MetaMail,https://ethbrno-metamail-frontend.herokuapp.com/,www.blockydevs.com/,https://goerli.etherscan.io/address/0x3335609C31e21317f98b4Fa0EB3cA71C8A8AaF3E","Angular,Web3js,MetaMask,OAuth2,Java17,Spring Boot,Solidity,Ecrecover,Heroku,Keccak256","https://devfolio.co/projects/metamail-f49c","" """locked-ether"" Woke detector","","Woke is an existing tool for analyzing Solidity contracts. The project extends the tool with a new vulnerability/issue detector that can detect a case when a contract receives Ether but cannot send it","The project implements a new detector into the Woke tool (https://github.com/Ackee-Blockchain/woke). The detector can automatically detect and report a case when a contract can receive Ether but cannot send it to anyone. It also detects cases when a contract implements a function to send Ether but does not have any payable function to receive it. The detector can be run using the `woke detect` command in a Solidity project root directory. It is possible to run only this detector with a `woke.toml` config file (located in the project root dir): ```toml [detectors] only = [""locked-ether""] ``` There is a VS Code extension named `Tools for Solidity` (https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=AckeeBlockchain.tools-for-solidity) that uses Woke in the background and automatically runs detectors on every change to the code. Because of this, the detector implemented in this project can also be used by VS Code users and warn Solidity developers using the `Tools for Solidity` extension of locked Ether issues. The detected ""locked-ether"" issues can save Ether that might be otherwise locked in a contract and lost forever (because of a missing function to withdraw it). Issues, when a contract can send Ether but cannot receive it, may also point to an implementation logic error or a bad practice.","https://github.com/Ackee-Blockchain/woke/compare/main...hackathon/ethbrno","Woke tool,Python","https://devfolio.co/projects/lockedether-woke-detector-a616","" "Anonymous Voting System","https://assets.devfolio.co/hackathons/3f7682d6ef744c49a5626148c3f03045/projects/e69f6895ab8844f89886cc090ca62419/8068c656-b2ac-4130-8ca7-2264ae8c846e.jpeg","An anonymous voting system full on chain based on Zero Knowleadge","Our team have devoloped a system were you combine the transperency and anonymity in a voting system full on chain. In other systems you depend on out blockchain techology. However we decided to use ZK in our a voting system which have to options, the first one a normal voting system and the other one a quadratic voting system. Our system allows you to create a vote without anyone knowing what you voted, giving you more privacy than the conventional voting system.","https://github.com/Elpacos/Anonymous_voting","Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKPs),Solidity,React,JavaScript,MetaMask,Hardhat","https://devfolio.co/projects/anonymous-voting-system-c15d",""